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Acing the Testing Process

Acing the Testing Process

SABIAN’s iconic vault marks one of the final stops in the factory production process. After one last trim and smoothing following their time at the lathing station, cymbals move to the vault and undergo an intensive weighing and testing process by skilled professionals, to ensure that they meet the high standards set by the company. It is the attention to detail throughout this process that sets the great cymbals apart from the good ones.

“Every cymbal is tested for sound and visually inspected,” said Randy Ross, SABIAN’s Director of Research and Development. “Each one is inspected and compared to the master cymbal we have for each model. If you don’t have that reference point, you lose home base and pretty soon it’s not the same instrument.”

After the initial testing round in the vault, approved cymbals are then placed onto their designated shelves to undergo an aging process that is critical to producing their desired sound. During this stage, the molecular structure of the metal is gradually shaped as the metal molecules settle over time, producing the intended sound of each product.

The duration of the aging process varies depending on the type of cymbal and can last from a few days to several months. The aim is to give the cymbals ample time to develop their unique tonal qualities and mature into fully formed instruments. This is one of the reasons why cymbals may have variations in tone within the same model and size.

Once the aging process is complete, at least two inspectors from the SABIAN vault conduct yet another rigorous inspection. Only after passing this final test are the cymbals adorned with the SABIAN logo and branding specific to their model. All throughout the production process, from the secret formula to the innovative design, factory artisans take immense pride in producing some of the best cymbals in the world. This attention to detail and commitment to excellence is what sets SABIAN apart.