Chris Gartmann
Chris “Gartdrumm” Gartmann is the drummer for the Woodstock, NY based hard rock band “Three”. Writing, recording and worldwide touring for the last decade has put this energetic and animated drummer on the radar for good. With drumming sensibilities steeped in classic rock, fusion and contemporary double kick work, Chris’ drumming evokes the golden age of rock with a refreshing modern twist. The songs of “Three” combine ambitious instrumentation with strong melodies and this formula provides “Gartdrumm” with the perfect vehicle for his dynamic, and powerful rhythms. Chris is a proud SABIAN endorsee and has used SABIAN since he was a kid… “I still remember my first set of 15 inch hats and how they absolutely exploded off the kit, through the music and into the audience… I never looked back”!
Catch Chris “Gartdrumm” Gartmann on the road with “Three” or check out their recorded work and become one of the many people who have been profoundly inspired by this outfit!