Dylan Wissing
Dylan Wissing’s career began with Midwest road warriors Johnny Socko, endlessly touring the US for thirteen years. Since moving to the NYC area, he’s transitioned to recording with Grammy-winning, Platinum-selling, #1 charting artists such as Alicia Keys, Kanye West, Drake, Jay-Z and Rick Ross, as well as advertising clients such as AT&T, Valvoline and Banana Republic. He’s been featured in Modern Drummer and DRUM! Magazines, and has performed thousands of shows across the US and Europe with a wide range of artists.
Wissing’s work spans an extremely broad variety of sounds and feels, from vintage Big Band through 60s Pop and funky break beats, 70s rock and Dub up to tracks for today’s hottest Hip Hop artists and Indie singer/songwriters.
Q & A
BORN IN: Bloomington, IN
LIVES IN: Hoboken, NJ
DRUMMING SINCE: I started banging on pots and pans with wooden spoons as an infant in the early 70’s, and have never looked back.
CURRENT BAND/PROJECT(S): I record drums through my online tracking service Indie Studio Drummer for major label artists, jingle houses, and lots of independent clients. I perform live with a wide variety of artists in the NYC area and on tour around the US and Europe as well.
BIGGEST INFLUENCE(S): Lots of records: groovy old R&B and Soul, crusty Funk, classic Reggae, Dub and Ska, way-out Cosmic Jazz, a touch of Classic Rock – and of course everything that’s come out since from those foundations. My teachers were all big influences: Kenny Aronoff, Shawn Pelton, Eric Deggans, Rebecca Kite, Diana Valdez, and Billy Ward.
FAVORITE ALBUM YOU PLAYED ON: Alicia Keys, “Girl on Fire”
FAVORITE ALBUM YOU DIDN’T PLAY ON: Duke Ellington, “The Blanton-Webster Band”
CAREER HIGHLIGHT: Got a text from producer Ken Lewis that he needed me to play drums on a Kanye West track as I was pulling a cell phone out to tell my family that my son had been born. Talk about timing!
FAVORITE SABIAN CYMBALS: I get a LOT of mileage out of my 14” HHX Legacy hats and 20” HHX Manhattan Ride.