Mark Collins
Mark Collins, II, is the Director of Percussion Studies at Tennessee High School, Vance Middle School and oversees a large private percussion studio. He is a graduate of Tennessee Tech University with a Bachelor of Music Degree with an emphasis in Education and Percussion. During his collegiate career, Mr. Collins performed in concert, jazz, orchestra and percussion ensembles.
His performances have been diverse and include premiering Blake Tyson’s Moonrise, live music video demos with country artist Laura Blevins and premiered a special percussion ensemble arrangement of Take Five with Joe Morello. In addition, he has performed with Allen Vizzutti, Vince DiMartino, Dan Moore, Phil Barham, Bradley Kerns, Dr. Kris Keeton and Milligan Chamber Orchestra. Collins was recently named as Associate Timpanist and Percussionist with the Johnson City Symphony Orchestra. He has studied percussion with Dr. Eric Willie, Joe Morello, Jim Chapin, Zorro, Chester Thompson, Ben Jackson, Jason Walsh and Pro Mark Educators Allen Gentry and Charlie Herron.
Prior to his appointment at Tennessee High School, Mr. Collins taught percussion for high schools throughout Tennessee and Virginia. In addition, has been on the percussion staff for the Marching Cavaliers at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. He is a member of the Percussive Arts Society and National Association for Music Educators and is an active clinician, composer and performer throughout the Southeast.