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Scrap Arts Music

Scrap Arts Music
Scrap Arts Music

Scrap Arts Music
Scrap Arts Music

ScrapArtsMusic stars five extraordinary percussionists whose performance explodes with intricate rhythms, raw energy, athletic choreography and the hottest and most inventive reuse of materials on stage today.

A Canadian quintet that tours the world, ScrapArtsMusic transforms the stage into an eco-friendly musical platform, alive with their ingenious creativity and positive energy. Led by Gregory Kozak, an inspired instrument inventor and 21st century Renaissance man, ScrapArtsMusic performs dynamic, original music using 145+ mobile sculptural instruments. Each musical invention is hand-built from recycled materials that range from accordion parts to aluminum scraps, even artillery shells. These beautiful sculptures produce unique sounds for which special performance techniques are developed, bringing to life the band’s fresh, moving compositions.

Audiences from four continents have welcomed ScrapArtsMusic with unbridled enthusiasm, embracing their intoxicating mix of music, movement and spectacle. Transcending language, culture and age, ScrapArtsMusic offers a highly physical, wildly theatrical and thoroughly entertaining taste of the musical vanguard.

Scrap Arts Music's Highlights

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Explore Hi-hats
Explore Hi-hats
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Explore rides
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